The labor force is often inundated with articles asking, “how productive are you,” instead of focusing on the absolute excellence of the modern workforce. While wages have stagnated in the United States, workers in the United States have become more productive at work than ever.
It would be great if the workers helping to plant the seeds of success were also equal partners in sharing the fruit of the tree, right?
So, instead of suggesting workers need to be more productive, why don’t we focus on why the modern worker is a productive powerhouse deserving of fair compensation and recognition?
You may be surprised to find out why workers in the digital age are more productive at work than ever, and why our efforts will only improve with better pay and less stressful working environments.
Actually, you may not be surprised at all. Yet, let’s embark on this journey and be sure to take notes on what specifically applies to and your daily work life. Keeping note will help you visualize what you are actively doing and why it may be time for you to ask for a raise or begin looking for an employer who will appreciate your talents.
Technology Helps Quite a Bit
The entirety of remote workers (digital nomads and freelancers, work-at-home) actually end up being even more productive than the traditional office worker.
While certain circles dedicate a lot of energy into attempting to convince business to not employ remote workers, their efforts are failing. The freelance and work-at-home communities are becoming larger each year and are accepted by the vast majority of companies.
Obviously, none of this would be possible if it weren’t for technology, yet there are digital workplace solutions which help remote workers be even more productive while working.

Image courtesy of Watch List
Remote workers often use organizational tools like Asana and Trello. Best conference call app and software like Zoom and WebEx allow remote workers to communicate instantly with clients and co-workers. Our own Krisp software allows remote workers to mute all background noise to ensure their audio conservations are without needless interruption.
When compared to the traditional office space, freelancers by the nature of their work are far more organized. Recent studies show office workers aren’t even at their desk 60% of the time while they are at work.
While I’m not saying the office worker isn’t productive, there is something to be learned by those who utilize various digital tools to effectively make their business operations function.
Be sure to take note on whether you currently have workflow management, communication, and calendar software integrated into your daily operations.
Check out Productivity Apps for 2020 to set up your digital workspace.
You Don’t Overwork Yourself
Contrary to popular belief working 60, 70, 80, or 90 hours per week doesn’t lead to better production. 30-hour work weeks would continue to yield similar levels of production from the workforce. When working more than five hours per day, or several hours at a time without a break; work suffers.
If you are a freelancer who either works five-hour days or doesn’t work for more than three hours during any one setting, give yourself some points. For those wondering, yes successful freelancers can make a living working between 30-40 hours weekly. In certain fields, remote workers can work 25 hours and do extremely well for themselves.
How Productive Are You Though?
Yes, we’re back to how productive workers are. However, we’re not talking about the cog within the machine type of productivity – I’m speaking on the matter of completing what you need to get done efficiently; allowing yourself to craft a flexible schedule for yourself.
As a freelancer, if you complete a task in three hours which takes most others ten; you still get paid the same for that task. That is if you follow my negotiating tactics, and sway all negotiations from the archaic hourly system, which is currently used to devalue the production of the workforce.
If you can complete your scheduled work in 25 weekly hours, then you have a lot of free time on your hands to literally do anything you want. While this may not apply equally to all freelance verticals, let’s say you get to award yourself points if you can complete your weekly work requirements in under 40 hours.
Sleep is Important
Sleep is crucial if your goal is to be as productive as possible. How are you going to strive towards your own personal goals if you are exhausted on the time?
Healthy amount of sleep will help you stay attentive for longer and focus lot easier, which is exactly what you need to stay productive and further advance in your career.
In Conclusion
The larger point is that workers are plenty productive, and instead of stressing over how productive we are, we need to focus on ensuring our production leads to better lives.
Freelance and remote work are areas in the modern workforce where individuals can take control of their lives, and detach themselves from those employers who wish to take advantage of them.
Let’s all stay productive at work! 🙂